A husband and wife have won two awards in a world-renowned wine and spirit competition for their premium gin inspired by Aberdeenshire's tea trade links.
Read articleMedals UK
Medals UK Ltd have a longstanding relationship with the IWSC and are pleased to have produced products for numerous events in their calendar including the IWSC Competition Medal 2014, IWSC Competition Medal 2015 and now the IWSC Quality Award Medal 2018.
Read articleDestiny Man
Whether you're having a single or a double, market research shows that you're not alone in your love of whisky.
Read articleWine Searcher
It's the usual suspects for our most searched-for wines, but there's a surprise among the most-improved rankings.
Read articleAlice Lascelles
Chinese wine is upping its game and "going international". Will these two top reds be the heralds of a new vinous frontier?
Read articleLexpert
The uncrowned king of the variety is Kanonkop’s current owner, Byers Truter, who has been producing outstanding Pinotage since 1981. In 1991 Truter was named International Winemaker of the Year at the International Wine and Spirit Competition in London for his Kanonkop Pinotage 1989.
Read articleHoreca News
Una vera e propria pioggia di medaglie quest’anno per i vini di Cantina di Soave iscritti all’International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC), storico e prestigioso concorso internazionale con base a Londra, che è stato fondato nel 1969 dall’enologo Anton Massel.
Read articleBeverfood
Una vera e propria pioggia di medaglie quest’anno per i vini di Cantina di Soave iscritti all’International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC), storico e prestigioso concorso internazionale con base a Londra, che è stato fondato nel 1969 dall’enologo Anton Massel.
Read articleVinoecibo
Una vera e propria pioggia di medaglie quest'anno per i vini di Cantina di Soave iscritti all’International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC),storico e prestigioso concorso internazionale con base a Londra, che è stato fondato nel 1969 dall'enologo Anton Massel.
Read articleNavarra Wine
La Denominación de Origen amplía así su extenso medallero en el concurso internacional de vinos celebrado en el Reino Unido.
Read articleThe Wine Pilgrim
My friends at the IWSC have sent me a link to their post on the award-winning wines (from the south of France) at the Sud-de-France annual tasting event, showcasing some amazing wines from this region, including a fantastic chardonnay from Limoux by Paul Mas, which carries subtle notes of toasted brioche, overlayed on fresh peach and melon.
Read articleThe Buyer
We are about to enter awards season where black ties and ball gowns will become as common on a night out as a pair of sandals or sunglasses in high summer. This year’s awards nights, however, will have a fair few newcomers in the audience from a wider range of countries as Eastern Europe, in particular, targets the major competitions as a platform to help change the wine industry’s perceptions about its wines.
Read articleThe Buyer
If you stripped back any wine list to its core, best selling lines, then Italy would have to be one of the go to countries. Push a little further into Italy and then Tuscany would also come to the top. If you had to pick out a handful of producers within Tuscany, then the Frescobaldi family would come to the fore. Which is why the new Sommelier prize from the IWSC in partnership with Marchesi Frescobaldi is expected to be in big demand.
Read articleCantine di Dolianova
Due nostri vini premiati all‘International Wine & Spirit Competition 2018. Riconoscimenti importanti a conferma della qualità dei vini firmati Cantine di Dolianova.
Read articleL'Avventura
Il frutto del nostro duro lavoro porta ai primi risultati internazionali. Siamo lieti di annunciarvi che il nostro CAMPANINO 2017 ha ricevuto la prestigiosa medaglia di Bronzo dell’International Wine & Spirit Competition nella categoria dei vini rossi.
Read articleiGrandi Vini
L’International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) ha consegnato due importanti riconoscimenti alla cantina Metinella di Montepulciano: il Rossodisera, Rosso di Montepulciano Doc e il Burberosso, Nobile di Montepulciano Doc, si aggiudicano la Medaglia d’Argento alla 49esima edizione del prestigioso concorso enologico.
Read articleMy Press Portal
Russian Bear Premium Vodka recently won gold at the International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) in the Vodka category.
Read articleWelt
Wer ein umfassenderes Bild von den derzeit am höchsten bewerteten Whiskys gewinnen will, sollte deshalb das derzeit laufende Tasting der renommierten „International Wine & Spirit Competition 2018“ abwarten. Das IWSC will seine Ergebnisse am 24. Juli veröffentlichen. Im vergangenen Jahr gewann der achtjährige Aldi-Whisky in diesem Wettbewerb die Bronzemedaille.
Read articleHarpers
English winemaker Wiston Estate is looking to cash in on booming on-trade sales of domestic fizz with a new distribution deal with Swig Wines. The South Downs producer’s entire range – including Wiston Estate Cuvee 2013, winner of the English Sparkling Wine Trophy at IWSC 2017 – is now available to the capital’s restaurants and bars through Swig.
Read articleBar Magazine
The classic Blackwater No 5 is a London dry gin which combines juniper with coriander, warm cinnamon, zesty lemon and eight other botanicals. It was the only Irish gin to be awarded Gold at the International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) in 2017.
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